What’s it About?
UK PLC is facing an unprecedented and largely unseen threat from ‘cyber’ crime…computer based crime targeting public and private computer systems with the intent of accessing personal and commercial data and financial information.
With ever greater openness, interconnection and dependency comes greater vulnerability. The UK government’s National Security Strategy categorised cyber attacks as a ‘Tier One’ threat to our national security, alongside international terrorism. Some of the world’s largest and most influential countries are suffering from the effects of cyber attacks which has been extensively described as a ‘Cold War’ amongst the press.
The threat is real and growing.
93% of large corporations and 87% of small businesses reported a cyber breach in the past year. On average over 33,000 malicious emails are blocked at the Gateway to the Government Secure Intranet (GSI) every month. These are likely to contain – or link to – sophisticated malware. A far greater number of malicious, but less sophisticated emails and spam are blocked each month.
With the cost for a severe cyber-security breach estimated between £450,000 to £850,000 for large businesses and £35,000 to £65,000 for smaller ones, we must all look at new ways to protect businesses and make the UK more resilient to cyber-attacks and crime.
Source: www.gov.uk – 2013 Information Security Breaches Survey
Who’s it For?
The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness of the cyber threat and the ways businesses can minimise their exposure to online attacks.
It will also focus on how improved cyber security and the development of a secure information security management system (ISMS) can also help a company attain or maintain a management standard such as ISO 27001.
The event will share the benefits to your clients from the peace of mind they could gain by building cyber security into their business continuity and disaster recovery plans.
What Will I Get
- A knowledge of the outside threats to SMEs in the modern world
- An awareness of the major threats of cyber-attacks currently at large
- An understanding of cyber security services currently available in the market
- An understanding of how to incorporate cyber security into your processes
- Knowledge of how cyber security will enhance your services
- To learn how to evaluate a client’s assets and the impact of a breach
- To learn how cyber security enhances a client’s policies through the mitigation of risk
When and Where?
Imperial War Museum, Media City, Salford – Wednesday 17th July 2013, 14:00pm – 16:00pm
Who’s Speaking?
Dr Daniel Prince: Cyber Security Centre of Excellence, Lancaster University
Cyber Security Awareness
Stephen Robinson: Mitigate Cyber Security
Cyber Security Services (penetration testing of web apps/network apps/mobile apps/VOIP)
Tony Wilson CISSP: Indelible Data
Cyber Security within Business Standards
Tariq Abdoh: ISOQAR
Certification Process