
Supply Chain Security: Part 2

In the first part of this series, we explained how you are ‘only as secure as the company you keep’ and detailed the threat posed by supply chain attacks such as the 2017 NotPetya attack and contemporary activities of Magecart cybercriminal groups. However, for most people, using a supply chain is not optional. Here, we will go through ways of vetting your supply chain.

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Supply Chain Security: Part 1

You are only as secure as the company you keep, and in the modern technological ecosystem the company a company keeps is increasingly becoming a crowd. Particularly in the retail industry, but by no means exclusive to them, companies ‘rely on armies of third-party services to boost engagement and optimize the customer experience on their websites’.

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Who Are Magecart?

You may have heard talk about a shadowy entity called ‘Magecart’. You may know that whatever or whoever this ‘Magecart’ is, it’s not good, but you may have other questions: who or what are they, what do they do, and how can you defend against them? This article shall attempt to answer those questions.

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Automated Security Tools Are No Substitute for Educated Employees

As in every industry—particularly technology-centric ones—the history of the cyber security industry has been one of task automation. From the early days (some may say Gen I days) of firewalls and pattern-matching antiviruses to modern techniques of machine learning-based malware detection and traffic analysis, the tools available to a security-minded business are constantly growing in complexity, in an arms race with cybercriminals whose malware has been doing the same.

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Privacy By Design is Here to Stay

One of the most seismic events in information security last year was undoubtedly the entry into force of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), perhaps the most radical shift in data protection thinking since people started to require secret passwords to access a person’s account. The GDPR hysteria has settled down somewhat since May, but it has become clear that the Regulation represents a wider shift in approach to data protection and consumer privacy, and things will not end here.

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SMEs and Cyber Security: A case study

With data breaches of major tech. firms—your Googles and your Facebooks, for example—eating up all of the news coverage throughout the year, it’s easy for owners and employees of smaller to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to grow complacent. ‘They wouldn’t bother to attack little old me’, you might be thinking, but security through obscurity is no security at all.

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Authentication as a Life Skill

A recent article in IEEE Security & Privacy—“Teaching Authentication as a Life Skill”—detailed the results of a team of Swiss researchers and their attempts to teach authentication to high-schoolers as a ‘life skill’. Choosing to focus on high-school students because as ‘it is crucially important that security be taught at an early age, before users

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