Surely, the only way to have effective cyber security in place is to have an in-house IT team, that will cost your business tens of thousands of pounds a year? And surely, you’re only ever under any kind of real threat if you’re a huge, world-wide corporation?
Well, the answer to that is no. You don’t have to be a spending extortionate amounts of money on effective cyber security. No matter what size company you have, or what it is your business does; anybody and everybody is a target to a cyber criminal – but this doesn’t have to be the case. Here, we will show you how we effectively secured Fact3, whilst keeping cyber security simple.
About Fact3
Fact3 are a Manchester-based company offering customised co-sourcing solutions to SMEs who need support with their accounting, human resources and IT, aka the Numbers, People and Systems.
Fact3 believe in a modern and convenient approach to co-sourcing, by providing a team of experts in the three business critical areas, to revolutionise the way SMEs operate. Fact3 work with various clientele, from pharmaceutical companies, to information-technology service providers, to law firms and many more.
Why cyber security?
Due to the nature of such clientele, Fact3 are responsible for, and hold a mass amount of sensitive and confidential client data. Fact3 must ensure that this is never in a position of risk and therefore must have the appropriate level of security in place. This is now the norm for many organisations in the UK, due to the GDPR being introduced in 2018, companies are required to have the highest level of protection over the data they hold and process, with the consequence of huge fines if data is handled or processed incorrectly. With this in mind, Fact3 decided it was time to ensure their networks and systems had the best defence with no vulnerabilities.
Andrew Jackson (partner at Fact3) says he understands “the importance of training our people” – employees are the first line of defence for every company, yet 80% of cyber breaches are a result from staff error with only 45% of employees receive any cyber security training from their employer. Fact3 are aware of this, and believe it is a necessity to ensure their first line of defence is cyber aware.
How did Mitigate Cyber help?
Fact3 came to Mitigate Cyber in 2017, wanting to acquire Cyber Essentials Plus certification as a way to gain added protection on their systems. After having a conversation with Mitigate Cyber, a penetration test was recommended to check for vulnerabilities. Andrew Jackson commented that as a company who have a great number of clients, they have heard many “horror stories” when it comes to cyber security breaches, which only reinforced the importance of having appropriate cyber security in their business. Fact3 then decided to adopt the other key products and services that Mitigate Cyber have to offer for added protection – implementing Mitilearn as a tool for training staff on cyber security and what employees can personally do to prevent a company attack.

At Mitigate Cyber, we offer a range of services and products all designed to keep your company and your data protected – not only that, but they are used to enforce prevention. Our pentests not only identifies holes and vulnerabilities in your company’s networks and systems, but we provide a full, in-depth yet simplified report of your systems and ways to improve them. This allowed Fact3 to maintain a high-level of security and effectively reduce the risk of a breach or attack.
Not only does our Mitilearn service offer a comprehensive and simplified training experience for you staff, but it goes beyond that with additional features that improved the service’s effectiveness. With features including a simulated phishing campaign, you are able to put your staffs’ knowledge to the test by ensuring your first line of defence is ready and equipped to fend off any potential threats, whilst handling information and data correctly.
Fact3 have been with Mitigate Cyber for over three years’ now, and continue to implement our products and services throughout their business – not only have the services we provide been successful in maintaining security and effective with training, but the overall experience with Mitigate has been “refreshing” and have been able to keep cyber security “simple”, which for us is always our main priority.
Andrew Jackson, FACT 3